Our Team

Julie Bernhardt

The Florey​ Institute

Heidi Zeeman

Menzies Health Institute Queensland

Marcus White

Swinburne University

Marie Elf

Dalarna University

Leonid Churilov  

University of Melbourne

Maria Crotty

Flinders University

Mehrnoush Latifi
Swinburne University

Belinda Seale

Deakin University

Ruby Lipson-Smith

The Florey Institute &
Western Sydney University

Jack Wilde

Uni of South Australia

Aaron Davis

The Florey Institute &
Uni of South Australia

Luis Pflaumer

The Florey Institute

Tianyi Yang

Swinburne University

Juan Pablo (JP) Saa

The Florey Institute

Mark Lam

Swinburne University

Knowledge content experts

Research translation & guideline integration

Marnie Blackburn

Australasian Health Facility Guidelines (AusHFG) Program Manager, Australasian Health Infrastructure Alliance

Health economist

Rhonda Kerr

Director, Guidelines and Economists Network International (GENI)

Communication accessibility & aphasia inclusion

Ciara Shiggins

Speech pathologist and , Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland

Our Partners

Featured Funding Partner:

The Alfred Felton Bequest

The Alfred Felton Bequest supports the development of ideas and catalytic projects that have the potential to enhance the physical and emotional health of women, children and young people in Victoria. Major and small grants are given to projects that:

  • Assist vulnerable or disadvantaged children or young people at risk

  • Assist women in need

  • Support the health care of women or children or their access to health care

  • Assist the elderly, including accommodation needs and homelessness amongst the elderly

  • Tackle early intervention or prevention and the causes of disadvantage

  • Have the potential for wider adoption and broader impact in the future

  • For an organisation, new or existing program which currently does not attract government funding and requires seed funding to get started, build momentum and/or build organisational capacity

Featured Full Collaborator:

Featured Affiliate:

Silver Thomas Hanley
STH Health Architecture

STH approach each project from a strong design and operational knowledge base, to provide a unique and operationally sustainable solution. Through dialogue and collaboration we strive to provide designs that enhance the experience for all users.


Vivid Wayfinding is a visual communications company with expertise in environmental design, print and multimedia. They specialise in creating clear, engaging visual communication on walls, paper and screens, and believe the role of design is to add a smile in the mind.

Industry Partners:

Advisory Board Partners:

Academic and Non Government Organisation Partners:

Our Advisory

We are proud to have an extremely experienced advisory board that meets quarterly to guide and review the progress of NOVELL Redesign. The current membership of the NOVELL Redesign Advisory Board (listed alphabetically) includes:

David Allison, FAIA, FACHA Alumni Distinguished Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Architecture + Health, Clemson University.

Kate Copeland, AM, Chair, Australian Health Design Council, Associate Professor.

Julie Davey, Master Mngt; BSW; BA; AFACHSM Consumer Consultant.

Kirk Hamilton, PhD, FAIA, FACHA, FCCM, EDAC, Professor D., Texas A&M University, USA.

Warren Kerr, AM, B.Arch MHP LFRAIA FACHSM Hon AIA, Adjunct Professor.

Natasha Lannin, PhD, BSc, GCIS, FAOTA, FOTARA, Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Michael Nilsson, MD, PhD, FAFRM (RACP), Global Innovation Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine, Director Centre for Rehab Innovations (CRI), Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia.

Stefano Scalzo, Executive General Manager: Planning and Development, Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority (VHHSBA).

Mardelle McCuskey Shepley, D.Arch, FAIA, Professor, Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University.

Alice Joan Morrice Williams, B.Com, FCPA, FAICD, CFA, AIF ASFA.